Basic Information


How to determined the exchange rate of VNST/USDT?

  • The exchange rate of VNST/USDT is determined based on the exchange rate from reputable exchanges such as Binance, Kucoin

How do I know VNST is safe?

  • VNST operates on a highly secure and completely transparent Blockchain network

  • All VNST transactions will be saved on Smart Contract and cannot be altered

How are VNST and USDT related?

  • VNST is a stablecoin that is collateralized and backed by the value of USDT

  • The converted amount of VNST/USDT (Mint) will be guaranteed to correspond to the USDT volume

Does VNST have any other assets beside USDT to guarantee?

  • Currently in the first phase, VNST amount when users convert is guaranteed by USDT

  • In the later phase of VNST, other highly liquid assets will be used by VNST to minimize risks and diversify assets

What will happens to the Users when they experience the price impact?

  • When users mint/redeem and encounters a price impact that reaches the "Mint/Redeem Covered price", VMM will automatically use the pre-set Mint/Redeem Covered amount to support Users

How do I know if VNST is transparent or not?

  • Users can completely check all transaction history of VNST based on a public contract of VNST

  • All the Minted/Redeemed VNST and USDT volume will be public on

Why is VNST registered in Latvia?

  • Registration in Latvia is only part of the conditions for confirming compliance with the European cryptocurrency regulatory framework - Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA). Registration in Latvia or any other EU member country has the same meaning

Why does VNST use MiCA as a legal framework?

  • MiCA enhances transparency and provides a comprehensive framework for issuers and service providers, including compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) rules. )

Why should you own VNST?

  • VNST can deposit/withdraw On-chain

  • Users are completely free to Mint/Redeem as many as they can

  • Have the opportunity to become Merchant of VNST and receive many exclusive offers only for Merchant

How can I register to become a Merchant with VNST?

  • If you want to become a VNST Partner, you can visit, scroll down to the "Become our Merchant" section and fill out the form or contact us via Email:

How can I get VNST?

Last updated